SUBJECT: New [MAKE] [MODEL] Ownership Tip

Thanks again for placing your trust in me and [DEALERSHIP NAME]. I know your new [MAKE] [MODEL] will provide years of reliable service and driving pleasure. Here is a quick tip I provide to new owners.
NEW VEHICLE TIP – Make sure you provide all vehicle information including new safety and security features to your insurance agent. This is a great time to make sure you have the right coverage and the best price. [MAKE] Insurance, presented by Liberty Mutual, is available to save you money. If you would like to see your personalized quote, click the button below and provide your information. It’s quick and easy.
The trademarks, vehicle model names, and logos are owned by or licensed to Any Brand USA and/or its North American Subsidiaries. Brand Insurance is offered solely by Liberty Mutual Insurance and is not within Brand’s control. Interested parties should contact Liberty Mutual for additional information on terms, conditions, exclusions, and limitations.