SUBJECT: New Mercedes-Benz [MODEL] Ownership Tip

2Genuine Mercedes-Benz Replacement Parts available except where prohibited by state law. Optional coverage provided on the Original Parts Replacement endorsement. Comprehensive and Collision coverage required. Glass not included. Eligibility rules and restrictions apply. May vary by state.
3Coverage is provided on the optional Towing & Labor Coverage Endorsement. May vary by state. Applies to mechanical breakdowns and disablements only and may be subject to limits. Towing related to accidents would be covered under your Collision or Other than Collision coverage.
4Optional feature. Applicable for collision coverage only. Subject to terms and conditions. Availability varies by state.
A consumer report from a consumer reporting agency and/or a motor vehicle report, on all drivers listed on your policy, may be obtained where state laws and regulations allow. Daimler Insurance Agency, LLC, a subsidiary of Mercedes-Benz Financial Services USA, LLC (“MBFS”), is the licensed insurance agency supporting the Mercedes-Benz Insurance program. MBFS is not an insurance company or agent. All insurance is underwritten by Liberty Mutual Insurance Company or its subsidiaries or affiliates. Liberty Mutual is licensed in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Daimler Insurance Agency, LLC may be compensated for services provided in connection with your policy.
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