What You Can Expect From The Polly Insurance – FRIKINtech Email Integration
The Polly Insurance – FRIKINtech email integration allows automated emails containing Polly Insurance offers to be sent to your customers straight from your CRM.
- Improve your customers’ experience by providing them an opportunity to shop for and purchase insurance after they buy their vehicle
- Add dollars to your own bottom line – if the customer connects to a licensed Polly Insurance agent, your dealership earns a referral payment
How it works:
- Automated email offers are sent at the right time from a trusted source (dealership salesperson) for maximum delivery and open rates
- Quick one-time integration
Next Steps
The form below provides FRIKINtech with the information and permission we need to get started. Once FRIKINtech receives your information, we will:
- Process your request (often within 24 business hours)
- Send you a confirmation when integration access is available (usually within two business days)
- Provide support on any additional integration-related questions